Monday, March 28, 2011

Goal: $1,300 in One Week

I had been learning about your divine right to set a goal and (graciously) demand results from The Universe. One day I woke up and decided I would put the theory to the test. I was running very, very low on money but somewhere in my mind decided upon the number of $1300, in one week. I told The Universe I wanted $1300 to show up within one week. I spent maybe a minute in total thinking about it. I wrote down the goal, folded up the piece of paper and went on with my life. The very next day my brother called me up and said that he had $680 in cash that he owed me from work that I had done for him months earlier and that he could drop it off at my convenience (he had just warned me a week before that it would be a while till I could be paid). A little switch went off in my head "I guess The Universe heard me!". I was excited to see what was going to happen within the week. Next my mother handed me my W2 and insisted I take action. I had a whopping $75 waiting for me once I filed. I got online and filled out my information. Turns out I was eligible for this that and the other thing. My new return was now $340. Boom!. Next my other brother called me to say he was in the city and had $50 for me from babysitting that I had done and he could drop it off. This was money I never expected to collect from him, as I was happy to babysit, but he insisted. Bam! Next my aunt called me up and said she had a simple research project she needed help with and was willing to pay me $100 for a couple hours of my time. Shizam! Along with a couple other monetary gains (that honestly, I would list but I can't even remember where they came from) I was darn near my goal. I added up my gains and had (drum roll, please): $1,290. I could not believe it. I stood there, a week earlier, with nothing and here I was with over $1,000. Unbelievable.
Then something "bad" happened. The IRS contacted me to tell me that they were going to take my $340 tax return and apply it toward my student loans. After a couple seconds of "Oh, crap! How is this going to effect my goal!?" I decided to trust that I was provided for and that if I set my goal of $1300, it would be reached and it was not my job to figure out the 'whys' or the 'hows'. I swear to God, the very next day a friend of a friend called and said he had some work for me if I could help him out. At the end of two very easy work days he paid me in cash for the hours I did, a grand total of $320. My tax return total had been replaced almost to the penny. I nodded my head to The Universe, "You amazing, infinite being of ability, You!"

I had to overcome some personal blockages to allow achievement of this seemingly impossible goal. First being, I had to move past the fear of "What if I set a goal and it doesn't come to fruition?"  Of all the time and energy I spend on learning about the Law of Attraction and how to harness the powers that be, what if I set a goal and it doesn't work? I would be disillusioned. I would be unhappy and worse, let down. So going ahead and trying anyway took a bigger leap of faith than believing it was possible did. Second would be completely letting go of the "hows". I had no idea how I was going to get over $1000 in one week.But that is the beauty of it all, it wasn't my job to try and conspire how I would make such money. That's what The Universe is there for! I have a feeling had I tried to figure out how to make $1000 in one week, I would be left with nothing but a sick stomach and a negative attitude. When your end of the bargain is just having a goal and believing, life is pretty sweet!
We're told, and by seemingly reliable sources, to 'work hard', and to give your 'blood, sweat and tears'. The problem is, this advise is usually focused on the wrong side of the equation. I have chosen from here on out to work hard. But I will be working hard on learning everything I can about the powers of The Universe. I will be working hard on letting go of tired notions that we must give everything we have to get menial results. I will be working on others a lot less and on myself a lot more.Stay tuned to see how I do...!


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