Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tangerine Orange

I have been struggling with a very important life question lately: What color should I paint my bathroom? Ha ha, okay now, my intensity level in regards this question is me joking around. But I have been having a hard time deciding what color to paint it. On one hand, something like a color of a room isn't that big of a deal for a lot of people. But on the other hand, color is a big factor in a lot of things: the mood you're trying to set, the vibe people are going to get who see the room, the judgement people are going to make about you when they see how you decorate....we could go on and on. SO, Ive been thinking a lot about it. Suddenly, the color tangerine-orange popped into my head and I could not get it out. Then something strange happened. Everywhere I looked I was seeing this color, everywhere. On my nightly jog this color was popping out on signs and billboards that I never noticed before. A bookstore had a large display of only books that had orange covers. This was getting weird. Then today I went to the paint store to look at those little paper slips they have of all their paint colors. Every color was in its place, except for one had been left out and was sitting on the counter alone. Can you guess what color? Yep, Tangerine Orange. Soooo weird!
I was really excited for a couple days about painting my bathroom this color, but I have since decided that it may not be for me. I am more leaning towards a hot pink. If you're gonna go girly, why not go all the way! So, if I decided to not make the meaning of this color showing up in my life about my bathroom, then what was the meaning of said color all the sudden showing up? I learned two lessons from pondering this.  First lesson learned: What you focus on in life, you get. Whether it be a certain type of attitude from people (The person who declares that everyone is a jerk, and wonders why people treat them poorly) or a car (have you ever decided you wanted a certain type of car, like a Ford Focus for example, and then everywhere you go you see that car) or a color. In my case, it was this bright orange (much like the logo of this very blog website). If you apply this principle that I know you know to be true, imagine how your life can change. If you have a boss who is a jerk so all you focus on is his 'jerk' qualities, thats all youre going to see and therefore experience. What if you found something about him that you could focus on that would make your life better (acting from a selfish point of view is not a bad thing). Maybe he's got a cool watch. Focus on his sense of style. Notice things about his style you like. Anything you can think of to fill in this blank.
The second lesson learned: This color constantly appearing in my life the last couple days means.....drum roll.....absolutely nothing....sort of. Everything that happens in life has only the meaning we give it. Now, I do believe in angels, fairies, auras, messages etc. However, these messages ultimately came from...ourselves. Therefore, it is our job to decide what the message means for us. I looked up the spiritual meaning of this color and the message is generally spirituality, energy, good health. All excellent messages! Great. So I translate that as my higher self is letting me know that I am manifesting a higher spiritual understanding, I am getting more energy in life and I am in good heath. This is great. But it is also a message and a meaning that I sent myself. Now what if I did not like this message? Would I feel helpless because The Universe sent me Orange? No, I would use it as a reflection of whats going on inside me and change it. I would start off from where I am at. Now, I happen to like the message this color is sending me so I am going to be grateful for it and move forward. Thank you Orange, thank you Higher Self, now what...?

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