Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Have Enough Money for Hawaii AND Qsca schooling!

I declare that I need about $400 to go to school and I need $5,000 to go to Hawaii for additional schooling. I ask the angels to find this money for me and deliver it to me promptly, as fast as they can. I will be open to receiving it and not to be scarred about receiving it. I deserve it. I have the money already. It is mine. Show yourself.

Thank You.

Tangerine Orange

I have been struggling with a very important life question lately: What color should I paint my bathroom? Ha ha, okay now, my intensity level in regards this question is me joking around. But I have been having a hard time deciding what color to paint it. On one hand, something like a color of a room isn't that big of a deal for a lot of people. But on the other hand, color is a big factor in a lot of things: the mood you're trying to set, the vibe people are going to get who see the room, the judgement people are going to make about you when they see how you decorate....we could go on and on. SO, Ive been thinking a lot about it. Suddenly, the color tangerine-orange popped into my head and I could not get it out. Then something strange happened. Everywhere I looked I was seeing this color, everywhere. On my nightly jog this color was popping out on signs and billboards that I never noticed before. A bookstore had a large display of only books that had orange covers. This was getting weird. Then today I went to the paint store to look at those little paper slips they have of all their paint colors. Every color was in its place, except for one had been left out and was sitting on the counter alone. Can you guess what color? Yep, Tangerine Orange. Soooo weird!
I was really excited for a couple days about painting my bathroom this color, but I have since decided that it may not be for me. I am more leaning towards a hot pink. If you're gonna go girly, why not go all the way! So, if I decided to not make the meaning of this color showing up in my life about my bathroom, then what was the meaning of said color all the sudden showing up? I learned two lessons from pondering this.  First lesson learned: What you focus on in life, you get. Whether it be a certain type of attitude from people (The person who declares that everyone is a jerk, and wonders why people treat them poorly) or a car (have you ever decided you wanted a certain type of car, like a Ford Focus for example, and then everywhere you go you see that car) or a color. In my case, it was this bright orange (much like the logo of this very blog website). If you apply this principle that I know you know to be true, imagine how your life can change. If you have a boss who is a jerk so all you focus on is his 'jerk' qualities, thats all youre going to see and therefore experience. What if you found something about him that you could focus on that would make your life better (acting from a selfish point of view is not a bad thing). Maybe he's got a cool watch. Focus on his sense of style. Notice things about his style you like. Anything you can think of to fill in this blank.
The second lesson learned: This color constantly appearing in my life the last couple days means.....drum roll.....absolutely nothing....sort of. Everything that happens in life has only the meaning we give it. Now, I do believe in angels, fairies, auras, messages etc. However, these messages ultimately came from...ourselves. Therefore, it is our job to decide what the message means for us. I looked up the spiritual meaning of this color and the message is generally spirituality, energy, good health. All excellent messages! Great. So I translate that as my higher self is letting me know that I am manifesting a higher spiritual understanding, I am getting more energy in life and I am in good heath. This is great. But it is also a message and a meaning that I sent myself. Now what if I did not like this message? Would I feel helpless because The Universe sent me Orange? No, I would use it as a reflection of whats going on inside me and change it. I would start off from where I am at. Now, I happen to like the message this color is sending me so I am going to be grateful for it and move forward. Thank you Orange, thank you Higher Self, now what...?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Power of Repetition

I was living with my mom for the summer after college while I saved money to move back to Santa Barbara.  She did not have cable and I had a need to have noise on in the back round of my room. My mom had a vhs tape of some tv shows that she had recorded from earlier in the year when we did have cable. Since I only really cared about having some sort of jibber jabber in the back round I played that tape over and over in my room every time I was in there cleaning, reading or napping. The main show on this tape was about an African man who traveled around Ghana helping schools learn how to use the internet. I watched this show probably at least 100 over the summer, usually humming in the back round while I did things, other times I watched it as I drifted off to sleep.
Well the summer ended and I had saved enough money to move into my own apartment in Santa Barbara. I moved into a four-plex and was so excited to be there. Well right below me lived a young man from Africa, which is strange enough in Santa Barbara but I thought it was funny that I had just spent the whole summer watching a show about an African guy. "How funny is that!" I thought to myself but didn't think much more of it. After a couple months of living there I was on a friendly basis with my new neighbors and would hang out with them here and there. One day my neighbor from Africa said to me "I was in this documentary that was on TV, would you like to see it...?" My jaw dropped. No....way. I said yes, and he opened his laptop. Sure enough he played for me the exact documentary that I had spent the entire summer watching over and over. I was not only living in the same country, the same state, the same small beach town, but the very same small building, 5 feet away from the man that I had spent all summer watching on my tv due to my moms disinterest in continuing her cable television.
Now, at the time, I was not aware of the Law of Attraction in a formal way so I did not put the pieces together that a higher law was at work here. In retrospect, I see that I made this person a part of my daily life, for months, and the Universe brought him to me in the flesh. Why? I have no idea. I don't believe it was for any reason other than I attracted him, and somehow he attracted me. Maybe he wanted to attract a fan? Who knows. We were friends for the duration of my living in that building and I still see him around sometimes. And now that I am a practicing student of the Law of Attraction I can see that it indeed is a law and at work even when you are not aware of it, much like gravity. I see now that you need to be careful what you feed your consciousness through television and musical lyrics and the types of conversations you chose to engage in. Because you just might attract a person from half way across the world into your own back yard, literally.

I am a Cheerleader.

I have been reading a lot about how one of the key factors in in becoming who you want to become is to first and foremost think and behave like the person you want to become, as if you are already that person. This seems like a huge step to take for someone who wants to be rich but doesn't even have enough money to go grocery shopping. Or hard for an insecure person to begin acting as if they were the confidant outgoing person they wish to become. There are many different things I wish to achieve that are not yet in my reality and I have been struggling with adopting this tool into my life. I wanted a little inspiration in the form of an example that could inspire me.
I then thought of my freshman year of high school. Cheerleading try-outs were coming up and I wanted nothing more than to be on the cheerleading squad. I had cheered for two years prior but not for a high school team; this was the big leagues! In order to make the team we had to learn a routine and perform it with a partner. This required practice with the Varsity squad everyday up until the day of the try-outs. Now, I wasn't the best dancer in the world, or the most coordinated, or even the best at stunts, so I was really worried about making the team. However, I did have one thing going for me, and I believe this may have been the ultimate reason for my ticket onto the team: I believed I was a cheerleader. This was long before I learned about the Law of Attraction and long before I started applying the rules to my life like I do today, so this was just a teenage girl using the Law without even realizing. You see, I really felt like I belonged on that team. When I thought about what high school was going to be like, I could only imagine it through the eyes of a cheerleader. I imagined going to practice everyday after school, how fun it would be, how great it would be to dance everyday and learn more complex stunts. I loved the schools cheer uniforms and I could see myself walking through the halls in the uniform. In addition to this, all my friends were going out for the squad. All my friends were prior cheerleaders and the best of the best. So I knew they were going to make the squad, there was no doubt about that, for many reasons, but the most logical being that probably 90% of the girls going out for the team were my good friends. So not only did I want to be on the team, but I identified myself as one of these girls, a cheerleader. I am a cheerleader. I already felt like one. I was already hanging out with the girls who were inevitably going to make the team. I was already talking about the games and how fun it would be to ride on the bus with the football team. I was already planning who to bunk with at cheer camp. In my mind, I already was a high school cheerleader.
Well, I did make the squad. I was overwhelmed with excitement and relief. I got to stay with my friends. I got to wear the uniform, I got to go to all the games, I got to dance everyday. I couldn't have been happier. Looking back, do I give credit to the fact that I must have been a top notch dancer? No way. I was good at best, but no better than a lot of the girls that didn't make it. It didn't have anything to do with my ability to learn moves quickly, I was usually one of the last girls to get the moves down. Looking back, I give the most credit to my self imposed identity. I really and truly felt like a cheerleader. I remember thinking "how in the world could anyone NOT want to be a cheerleader??". I remember thinking "I can't believe every single girl in the Freshman class is not trying out for the squad!" Thats how much I loved it. And thats how much I wanted it. But what got me on the squad was that there wasn't a part of me that felt like I wasn't a cheerleader. Even though I had self-doubt about my abilities, and even though I would go to bed fearing that I wouldn't make the team and then drift away from all my friends, having that firm, strong, unwavering identity (that I wasn't even aware of at the time) that a cheer leader was who I was, was enough to make my future reality coincide with my belief and I made the squad. I was so happy. A wave of relief came over me because I knew I wasn't the best and I knew that something else was at work. And now I know what it was.
So in remembering this story from my past, I have a firm example that I can use for myself in how to behave 'as if I already have it', whatever the 'it' may be. I invite you to think of a time in your past where you got something you wanted because you already were living like you had it, even if you didn't realize it at the time. This will be pivotal in learning to master such a cool skill for manifestation.