Tuesday, March 29, 2011

EFT Tapping

If you haven't heard of EFT, I highly recommend you look it up here. A couple of weeks ago I was getting ready for a trip that I had planned to Austin, Texas for the South By South West music festival. I was very excited to return to one of my favorite cities in the world, but was feeling incredibly anxious and uneasy about my trip. I'm getting good and being able to tell the difference between an intuitive nudge regarding an upcoming event and then just plain ego-based anxiety and this was the latter. I couldn't put my finger on exactly what about my trip was making me so nervous so I decided to be proactive about it and write down all my fears as they came to me, without judgement and without exclusion. I was really surprised the things that came out of me. Everything from being nervous that I would lose the expensive camera my mom was loaning me for the trip to being afraid I would run out of fun outfits to wear (ladies can understand this predicament), to being afraid I may somehow be a victim of violence. My list came out to about 15 worries and fears that I had about my trip. Most of the list I was not even aware were concerns of mine until I started writing.

SO, I decided to put EFT to the test. For those of you who are not aware of EFT, you make such a list and then you rate from 1-10 how true all the statements feel to you (ie. I'm afraid I'm going to run into violence while I'm on my trip). My list rang true to me at an 8. Wow, I was really surprised at myself that I had so many fears about my trip from the menial to the serious. So I began to tap on the statements (again, if you are unfamiliar with eft, do yourself a favor and check out the link) and after my first round I was down to a 6. I did another round and was down to a 4. I, in a matter of minutes, was able to bring my anxiety about my trip from an 8 to a 4. Then, I complied positive statements derived from my fears, so it looked something like this: "My mom's camera is going to be safely returned to her" and "I will have more than enough fun outfits to pick from everyday" and "My body will be safe and divinely protected while on my trip". After I tapped on the positive statements my anxiety was non-existent. Moreover I had not only a sense of calmness and well-being surrounding me but I was able to feel excited about my trip! This was incredible. I knew EFT worked and I had practiced it on general goals like manifesting more money but never for something specific. My results were amazing. I felt good about my trip. I was able to be excited while I packed. I was able to board the plane confident that nothing bad would happen amidst such a wild atmosphere as Austin. I knew right away my trip was blessed because one of the fears I tapped on was that I was going to run out money. I replaced that fear with "I will be provided for on my trip". While on the plane, I ordered two whiskey soda drinks and one of their boxed lunches. I would guess the total for those three items come to around $16. I wouldn't know though, the flight attendant never charged me for anything. She collected payment for everyone around me but never asked me for my debit card. Thank you, Universe! Same thing happened on the flight back as well. Score!
My trip was a total success. I had a great time. I had an inner peace with me through out my trip that kept me feeling good and happy and able to enjoy everything to the fullest. I saw a lot of great shows, a lot of old friends, ate really good food, ran into everyone from P Diddy to Lucinda Williams, enjoyed perfect 85 degree weather and felt the love of The Lone Star State! Thank you, EFT!

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